Robotics technologies all gather in RoboDEX. Launched in 2017, the show has grown its size and has now become one of Japan's leading robotics technology exhibitions. It attracts a vast amount of industry professionals who are keen to find advanced technologies.
Japan's leading robotics technology exhibition
Exhibit Profile
Industrial Robots
- Assembling
- Welding
- Delivery
- Polishing
- Burring
Service Robots
- Nursing care
- Reception
- Delivery
- Cleaning
- Security
Service Using Drone
Development Technology
- Intelligence/control technologies
- Sensing technology
- Drive technology
- Electronic component/material
Visitor Profile
Companies interested in utilizing robots for business improvement
- Manufacturing
- Amusement/ Entertainment
- Service
- Agriculture
- Logistics
Technical experts of design/development dept. of robot manufacturer
Technical experts of design/development dept. of manufacturer
related to product installing robot technology
- Consumer electronics
- Automobile
- Construction machinery
- Housing
If you have queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Organiser: RX Japan Ltd.
FIW – Factory Innovation Week Show Management
TEL : +81-3-6739-4102
E-mail : For Exhibiting>> [email protected] / For Visiting>> [email protected]
The numbers of exhibitors/countries (including co-exhibitors) and visitors (including concurrent shows) on this website are forecasts. These numbers may differ from the actual numbers at the show.